The MAT Program at Quinnipiac

Quinnipiac University has a competitive master of arts in teaching program. Quinnipiac offers a five-semester teaching program in elementary and secondary education. The elementary education program consists of core certification courses that provide eligibility for teacher certification, advanced course work in literacy, and numeracy and pedagogy to satisfy master’s degree requirements.

The secondary education program includes core certification courses that provide eligibility for teacher certification and advanced content (discipline) courses. Students choose a concentration in science, english, history/social studies, mathematics and a world language.

Quinnipiac offers a unique internship opportunity for graduate students. Candidates participate in an internship during the first two semesters of the program. Quinnipiac University has developed collaborative partnerships with school districts throughout central and southern Connecticut to provide graduate candidates with guided, hands-on professional practice and to defray some costs of the program. Candidates in the internship receive a tuition reduction during the internship semesters.

The School of Education accepts applicants for admission only to the fall semester. Prospective students should apply by March 31 to ensure admission into the program and a placement in an internship. Applicants are accepted for admission to the fall semester only and are expected to enroll as full-time graduate students.

Quinnipiac University prepares teachers who can make a difference in today's demanding education systems. Graduates acquire the skills to create effective, positive learning opportunities for students from multi-cultures, multiple development level and multiple abilities and to become future leaders in their schools and the professional community.

For more information on admissions requirements, click here.

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