Thankful to Quinnipiac

I am so happy to share my news with you--I am officially a working girl now! On Monday starts a new season in my life. I will be the Marketing & PR Coordinator for a shipping company in NJ. I realize how lucky I am that I actually landed a job after graduation when I know so many people who are still looking.

From the theory coursework to the hands-on strategic plan, my time spent in the Public Relations program here at Quinnipiac has definitely prepared me for this job. I came into this program last August with a small inkling of what I thought public relations is. I leave this program knowing that public relations is not just an activity, but a whole field dedicated to building relationship and educating the public.

In this program, our professors encouraged us to pick our areas of interest. Some of my classmates were into healthcare, non-profits, and the travel industry. After just a few short months in this program, I became so passionate about social media. All of my projects and papers revolved around social media in some way. It definitely paid off--my research paper on social media was selected to be a part of an international conference!

Now I have to turn the page to the next chapter of my life. I will be moving away from home to start my new job in a new place. I admit, I am a little nervous but I am mostly excited. All the hard work I did in grad school is actually paying off. If you are looking for a solid public relations program that will hone your writing skills and help you discover your passions, Quinnipiac is the place to go!

--Randi Iaco

Randi graduated in 2009 from Central CT State University with an undergraduate degree in Marketing. Subscribe to our feed for more posts from Randi.

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